Singing Guide: Funeral for a Friend

Singing Guide: Funeral for a Friend

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Funeral For a Friend is a Welsh post-hardcore band that formed in 2001 in Bridgend and became famous for their melodic hardcore sound and their high energy live performances.

Their lead singer, Matt Davies-Kreye, has a vocal style that is both powerful and dynamic, filled with emotional intensity. To learn singing like him, you need to focus on mastering your breathing and developing your tone.

First, you should take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to ensure that your voice can match Davies-Kreye's range. Once you have established your range, you should begin practicing your breathing technique, as proper breathing is essential to produce a powerful, sustained sound.

To get started, check out Singing Carrots' breathing basics article, which provides useful information to help you improve your breath support and respiration. In addition, the Farinelli Breathing exercise video provides a valuable resource to help you strengthen your breathing technique.

Next, practicing the Twang and Growling exercises can help you build vocal strength and control, two essential factors in Davies-Kreye's distinctive style. These exercises, available in Singing Carrots' skill-related videos, can help you develop the necessary strength and control needed to achieve his signature powerful and forceful vocals.

To improve your melody accuracy and pitch control, try the Pitch accuracy test to identify pitch deficiencies and then engage in Singing Carrots' Pitch Training interactive exercises to improve your pitch control. You can also use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to monitor your pitch accuracy and progress.

To further develop your vocal talent, it is essential to master your voice registers and vocal breaks with Singing Carrots' voice registers and vocal break article and skill-related videos on chest voice, mixed voice, and voice break.

Once you feel comfortable with these elements, it's time to tackle Davies-Kreye's signature vocal style. Check out Singing Carrots' contemporary vocal techniques article on techniques like Belting and Twang and work on incorporating them into your voice. You can also utilize Singing Carrots' breathing articles to support your performance and vocal technique.

Finally, to learn songs like Davies-Kreye, you can use Singing Carrots' song search and songbook features to find the songs that match your vocal range and preference. Some of Funeral For a Friend's popular songs that showcase their unique vocal style include "Juneau" and "Escape Artists Never Die."

In summary, to learn singing like Matt Davies-Kreye, take the Singing Carrots vocal range test to confirm your range. Work on improving your breathing, followed by the Twang and Growling exercises to build vocal strength and control. Then, master voice registers and vocal breaks, followed by Davies-Kreye's contemporary vocal techniques and unique vocal style. Use the song search and songbook features to explore and learn their songs. Singing Carrots provides numerous articles, skill related video exercises, and educational courses that can help you develop your vocal skills and progress to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.